The program is made up of a minimum of ten (10) one hour treatments, utilising the Lawson Anti-Suppression Device (LASD). This machine was invented and patented by Alison Lawson, a university trained orthoptist with 35 years experience in Australia and England. The LASD machine was first used in 1980, and in combination with a structured medical programme in full co-operation with patient and parent/teachers is applicable, this treatment is a world first. No drugs, medication, coloured glasses or hypnosis is used.
During the initial assessment, a check is made on the aiming point of each eye. In a person without symptoms, there would be a steady binocular fixation (both eyes are working together). However, many times the fixation of one macula is very unsteady, or there can be an eccentric fixation. Thus, they have demonstrated the main cause for their learning problem; the patient is able to obtain a clear focus at any level of gaze, but it cannot be maintained. As fixation fails, so does the patients concentration. As there is unsteady or incorrect fixation, the frontal lobe of the brain lays down deep central suppression in the visual cortex of the affected eye. This is the brains response to the effects of vision discrepancy between the eyes (and explains how some patients relate when reading that words jump around the page).
This deep central suppression of the visual cortex is effectively treated by the use of the LASD (Lawson Anti-Suppression Device). With the LASD we can directly treat the area of the problem. The entire population of visual neurones in the visual cortex is activated by a range of 7 (seven) different spatial frequency grating revolving through 360 degrees. The eccentric or unsteady central macular fixation is treated by applying a pleoptic red filter in front of the affected eye, while the eye with the central macular fixation is patched.
The patient views green/blue/black targets through the pleoptic red filter, and works with puzzles - words, maths, sequencing letters, numbers etc. and games. The macula is particularly sensitive to RED. Using the visuscope, when it is seen that the patient has a steady bi-macular fixation, the normal binocular reflexes may be trained. Work is then continued on the machine with the full range of coloured targets, stimulating the full body of the cone receptor cells, progressing through all the discs to the finest, while the puzzles and tasks encourage higher intellectual stimulation.
The work in the centre is supported by structured home exercises which become progressively more difficult. The magnitude and rapidity of the visual recovery is such that a result can be obtained after 10 treatments. These sessions are 1 hour duration per week. Finally the patient then has a higher standard of focusing than the average person, improved full binocular single vision at every level of gaze. Wide amplitude of dissociation between convergence and accommodation. Therefore, gives full control from the frontal lobe of the brain.