
Tanya MacDonald • May 16, 2018

I am so super proud of Jesse and his awesome parents who have helped him shine.

Jesse graduated from The Alison Lawson Program yesterday. Then last night I saw this! I am so super proud of Jesse and his awesome parents who have helped him shine. I am looking forward to hearing how you progress in the future.

"I can't express how proud we are of Jesse. As alot of you know Jesse has Sensory Processing Disorder which effects him in alot of ways - Good and bad !!!!. Some of the major problems are writing, concentration and literally sitting still. Anth and I were absolutely beside ourselves trying to find ways to help him. His school work was getting worse as the class got harder (even though he has had great teachers since Yr 2 who understood him) He was finding it extremely hard to even write one little sentence let alone with neat writing. Homework was impossible too.
We had tried everything of our knowledge to help but it was at school where he needed it, Jesse just couldn't and wouldn't concentrate. The pressure to medicate him from his previous school was disgusting and heart breaking to us as we were so against pumping our bright eyed, over imaginative and active child with tablets to help him concentrate and dull his beautiful mind. So for 3 Years now we have watched him struggle more and more. As parents we tried to find new ways to cope and deal with Jesse's SPD (Jesse didn't have ADHD which is treated with medication but SPD isn't) In the end was medicating him the answer to help him concentrate more?

Then we came across "Eyes and Ears for Learning" It's a Visual and Auditory Therapy, with amazing result in concentration and handwriting. Tanya was fantastic with Jesse and he had a connection with her straight away. So for the past 10 weeks (He graduated today) Jesse has put everything into making this work. Homework everyday for 1hr + Then eye exercises as it was picked up his left eye was lazy and unable to focus on his work. It was bloody hard - we would fight, scream and cry just to get through it then some days were great with huge rewards. All of a sudden something clicked in his brain and he could do it, his eyes were focusing on the letters and retaining information had improved a huge amount. There is still alot of work to be done but at least now he is enthusiastic to learn and can transfer this into the classroom as time goes on - Unmedicated !!!!!

Having a child whole doesn't fit inside the "educational box" is really hard sometimes and this is only our personal experience. I totally understand why some parents choose to medicate and I'm not judging you at all, it just wasn't what we wanted for Jesse."

By Tanya May 15, 2020
From: Jenny Sent: Tuesday, 3 September 2019 11:41 AM To: Subject: FW: Rhys OT Hi Tanya, I hope you’re well. Just wanted to share the email I received yesterday from Rhys’ OT! It looks like all our hard work is paying off! I’m so proud of him and more importantly, he is really proud of himself. I seriously can’t thank you enough for persevering with him in the program. Cheers Jen On 3 Sep 2019, at 2:21 pm, wrote: Yahhhhhh So good to hear!!! Thank you for letting me know 😊 Give him a hug from me and tell him how proud of him I am xx Thanks so much…. YAHHHHHHHHH! Tanya Thanks Tanya, I passed your message onto him and gave him a big hug from you and he flashed me a cheeky little grin so I think he was happy to hear you too were proud of him!!! Since completing the program I have noticed for the first time he is proud of himself regarding his schoolwork so needless to say I’m just ecstatic! His confidence has definitely improved! He even told his OT about you and the program and he acknowledges that it has helped him! To be honest, there were times I thought to myself “why the hell am I spending the time and money on this?” Now I have my answer! We may have lost a few battles along the way but I thank god we persevered because I think we won the war!!! I honestly can’t thank you enough! 😘 Cheers Jen On 6 Sep 2019, at 2:52 pm, > OMG I am speechless! I so love hearing these stories. Can’t wait to hear what the next 6-12 months brings!!! I love what I do xx Keep me posted. Thanks so much PS, do you mind if I put your emails on my website as a blog? Thanks Tanya Absolutely Tanya! I have no problem with that at all! FYI - I spoke to his teacher on Friday morning and he admitted he was a bit “skeptical” (for lack of a better word) at first when I mentioned him doing the program but he said he has come along in leaps and bounds. He is very impressed with how engaged he is, how much he wants to learn and his confidence has definitely increased. He said he is doing an amazing job in class and he thinks your program is behind this and said I should advocate for you (as if I haven’t been already!) lol Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Cheers Jen
By Tanya MacDonald May 4, 2018
Proud sponsors of my sons basketball team. Go Coast United
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