Online Self Assessment


 This is provided to help us identify possible areas of weakness related to Visual and Auditory functions through a sampling of related skills and behaviours. The results are not conclusive, nor intended as a diagnostic tool. It is developed to help understand areas where "Eyes & Ears for Learning" may be of particular benefit.
Tick all boxes that apply to the person to be assessed, then submit for an evaluation.


Slow speech development
Difficulty learning nursery rhymes
Did not crawl properly but walked early
Persistent difficulty with dressing
Difficulty with shoe laces and buttons
Difficulty with catching, kicking or throwing a ball
Difficulty with skipping and/or hopping
Excessive tripping, bumping or falling over things
Obvious good and bad days for no apparent reason
Shows no interest in letters or words
Difficulty finding the odd one out
No patience for sitting and listening
Difficulty keeping a simple rhythm
Poor personal organisation
Poor time keeping and awareness
Difficulty in learning to tell the time
Difficulty remembering what day of the week it is, birth date, seasons & months of the year
Difficulty remembering anything in sequential order e.g. days of the week, the alphabet, times tables
Poor reading progress
Trouble blending letters together
Difficulty in establishing syllable division, beginnings and endings of words
Hesitant and laboured reading, especially when reading aloud, often misses words or adds extra words
Making anagrams of words e.g. tired for tried, breaded for bearded
Undetermined had preference
Confusion between left and right
Poor handwriting with many reversals and badly formed letters
Difficulty picking out the most important points from a passage
Poor standard of written work in comparison with oral ability
Losing the point of the story being written or read
Messy work with many crossings out and words tried several times e.g. wippe, wype, wiep, wipe
Persistant confusion with letters which look similar, particularly b/d, p/q, n/u, m/w
Confusion with number order e.g. plus/minus
A word spelt several different ways in one piece of writing
Badly set out written work, inability to stay close to the margin
Seems to dream, does not seem to listen
Easily distracted
Limited understanding of non verbal communication
Fine motor skills may be poor leading to weakness in the speed, control and accuracy of the pencil
May become the class clown, disruptive or withdrawn (these are cries for help)
Employs work avoidance tactics (sharpening pencils, looking for books, etc)
Performs unevenly day to day
Excessive tiredness due to the amount of concentration and effort required
Has difficulty paying attention
Poor short term memory
Poor reading comprehension
Difficulties spelling
Low academic/job performance
Difficulty starting and/or completing projects
Easily distracted especially in the presence of background noise
Oversensitive to certain sounds
Misunderstands directions or instructions
Confuses similar sounding words
Difficulty understanding jokes/puns/humor
Frequently ask "huh" or "what"
Difficulty discriminating sounds
Flat and monotonous voice quality
Speech lacks fluency and rhythm
Difficulty sounding out words
Mispronounces words
Difficulty expressing thoughts
Has poor posture, including slouching and slumping
Has coordination problems
Difficulty with organisation and planning
Is overwhelmed with sensory information
Lack of tactfulness
Poor social skills
Feels overburdened with everyday tasks
Low stress/frustration tolerances
Difficulty reading non verbal communication
Poor self image or low self confidence

*Mandatory Fields

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